Core Strength - Level 2
Core Strength - Level 2 starts to incorporate more challenging movements from Level 1. In this program, we focus on longer levers, dynamic stability, and the movements allow for heavier weight selections. As with Level 1, you can scale the program to make it easier or more challenging by altering the prescribed sets/reps and/or by selecting lighter or heavier weights. This program trains two days/week for a 4 week block. Each workout contains six different movements that feature a variety of base positions, apply force in different directions, and progressively challenge the body.
- Training Schedule: 2 Days/Week for 4 Weeks
- Training Level: Intermediate to Intermediate+
- Complexity of Movements (1-5): 2-3
- Physical Requirements: Stable plank, glute activation, shoulder stability and full range of motion, ability to bear weight on the hands, solid lateral plank, ability to execute complex movement patterns.
- Equipment Needed: Gym Recommended - Resistance Bands, BB, Weight Plates, Stability Ball, Cable Machine, KB or DBs, Sliders